About Us


Created by Popular Demand

Barefoot Accounting was created to fill the vast gap between business owners and their accounts. By offering bespoke monthly support, we ensure that your accounts help you to direct your business and keep you compliant!

Our experience in the industry has highlighted that:

  1. A lot of business owners are either wasting too many painstaking hours on their books or paying expensive fees on a service that they don’t fully understand.
  2. Many business owners are making wrong decisions and costly mistakes simply because of a lack of guidance and direction over their accounts. 

It’s years of experience of witnessing (and solving) these problems that brought about the birth of Barefoot Accounting…the rest, as they say, is history!

Through our bespoke monthly support services  and our positive relationships with our clients, we can bring the enormous time and money saving benefits of accounting to the everyday running of your business. 


Why Business Owners “Go Barefoot”…

“Walking along the sand, lying in a freshly made bed…there are many things that feel better when you go “barefoot” and accounting is one of them.” 

Whether you’re in the first year of a start-up business or you’re running a well-established corporation, excellent management of your accounts has everything to do with your success – and everything to do with you maintaining control over your business. 

Even if you're lucky to have everything running like clockwork, there is almost always a way that accounts can be better managed to further benefit your business. Once business owners understand the benefits of having accountancy support and guidance they never look back. 

For the majority of business owners, the most valuable benefits of working with us include:

  • Earning more money by making better financial decisions and having outgoings properly assessed
  • A better understanding of their financial information enabling them to improve their profitability and work/ life balance
  • Having more control and time to work on their business rather than drowning in admin and receipts
  • Eliminating the worry of incurring penalties by keeping pace with compliance changes
  • Being able to keep to their daily schedule by dealing with an accountant at a time that’s convenient to them
  • Enhancing their reputation by implementing automatic invoices and direct payment options
  • Significantly reducing their workload with carefully selected tools and software 
  • The security and peace of mind that a dedicated professional is “watching their backs”

Get in touch and see the difference we could make to your business.